Publication: Music Maker
Issue: February 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - January 1967
Publish Date: February 1967
Interview Location: Unknown - Telephone Call
In January of 1967 shortly after the release of their first single, Break On Through, The Doors give their earliest known post-album release interview to Carolyn Reynolds of the British magazine Music Maker. The overseas Q&A session is likely conducted over the phone with Ray Manzarek and one other unidentified band member. Ray describes what The Doors music is all about and the connection that the band makes with the audience while playing for them. This phone call may have been recorded, however details on this relatively undocumented interview are unknown.
Publication: Mojo Navigator
Issue: Vol 2. No. 2
Interview Date: Early March 1967
Publish Date: August 1967
Interview Location: Unknown Location
This interview with The Doors by Gregory Shaw is published in Mojo Navigator in August, 1967, and was conducted in early March while The Doors are in San Francisco to perform a number of shows at The Matrix. The Doors discuss what it's like to perform in the different cities, and compare the audiences between the east and west coast, L.A and San Francisco. Also discussed is the first album and its current success, music and various musicians. The length of this published interview indicates that it may have been recorded.
Publication: GO Magazine
Issue: April 28th - 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - March 1967
Publish Date: April 28th - 1967
Interview Location: Ondine - New York, NY
In April of 1967, Debbi Smith of GO magazine publishes an article about The Doors as an upcoming band, and Robby Krieger is interviewed on an unknown date while the group is in New York for a three week tenancy at Ondine the previous month. Robby tells the interviewer that he did not plan on rock n' roll and that he wanted to learn jazz, but while also stating "with rock n' roll you can realize anything".
Publication: Crawdaddy! Magazine
Issue: No. 10
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - March 1967
Publish Date: August 1967
Interview Location: Unknown Location
An interview with Paul Rothchild discussing The Doors, by Paul Williams, editor of Crawdaddy Magazine. This interview is said to have been conducted in March 1967, and is later published in the August issue. In 1969, portions of this interview are published in Paul Williams' book Outlaw Blues: A Book of Rock Music. A recording of this interview is also known.
Publication: Teen Talk (Syndicated)
Issue: Various - Early April 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Early April 1967
Publish Date: Various - Early April 1967
Interview Location: Unknown
Throughout 1967, Susan Szekely publishes a regular column in newspapers across the U.S. and Canada known as Teen Talk, featuring quotes from many popular artists of the time, including The Doors. In this early April column, Susan devotes the entire article to the band, publishing multiple quotes from the band members, including a joking description from Ray Manzarek that refers to The Doors as a communist group. Robby chimes in and calls it an anarchist group. Susan later becomes the Editor of Eye Magazine, another publication to feature articles on The Doors and Jim Morrison.
Publication: Teenset
Issue: June 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - April 1967
Publish Date: June 1967
Interview Location: Unknown - Los Angeles
Editor of Teenset Magazine Judith Sims conducts The Doors first official interview since the release of their first album. Upon returning from New York, The Doors are slightly nervous on this occasion due to the scheduled sit-down with pad and paper. The band talks about their early musical training and influences, UCLA filmmaking, and where they're from. Also included in this article are photographs from The Doors 1966 photo session with Gene Trindl. This issue is published with a regional variant, and Judith will interview Jim Morrison again for Teenset in late 1967.
Publication: Hit Parader
Issue: No. 44
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Late June 1967
Publish Date: February 1968
Interview Location: Steve Paul's 'The Scene' - New York
Another interview by Don Paulsen for Hit Parader magazine. Not published until 1968, this issue features a Q&A with Ray, Robby and John. The exact date of this interview is unknown, but appears to have taken place sometime in late June 1967. This interview article is accompanied by photographs taken by Don Paulsen at The Scene and the Village Theater in June 1967.
Publication: Discoscene Magazine
Issue: September 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Late June 1967
Publish Date: September 1967
Interview Location: Steve Paul's 'The Scene' - New York
An interview with The Doors by Bonnie Margolis at Steve Paul's The Scene on an unknown date in late June, 1967. A week or two prior, 16-year-old Bonnie meets Jim Morrison while The Doors are in Philadelphia for a concert at Town Hall. On this occasion, Jim Morrison buys Bonnie her very first alcoholic drink, a vodka screwdriver. Accompanied by photographer Bob Fuentes, this article was first published in the September 1967 issue of Discoscene magazine. The article, titled 'Watch The Doors Please', is also featured in regional variants of this magazine such as WAPE Scene, distributed by WAPE Radio in Jacksonville, FL. A special thanks to Bonnie Margolis for providing history and background information on this interview!
Publication: East Village Other
Issue: Vol. 2 No. 21 - September 15th-October 1st
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Late June 1967
Publish Date: September 15th - 1967
Interview Location: Unknown Location - New York
This 1967 interview with The Doors by Emmett Lake was published in the East Village Other, and appears to have been conducted in late June 1967 while the band is performing at Steve Paul's The Scene. Jim Morrison is not present, however this is a full scale interview with Ray, Robby, and John.
Publication: Hullabaloo
Issue: July-August 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Late June 1967
Publish Date: July-August 1967
Interview Location: Unknown Location - New York
An interview by Paul Nelson with all four of The Doors for Hullabaloo magazine published in the July-August 1967 issue. The band discusses musical influences and The Doors philosophy.
Publication: (Associated Press)
Issue: September 19th - 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Late June 1967
Publish Date: September 19th - 1967
Interview Location: Steve Paul's 'The Scene' - NY
This interview with the band by Jeff Cox takes place while The Doors are performing at Steve Paul's The Scene in New York City. Only Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek are quoted. This article is published in newspapers across the U.S. Visit our Steve Paul's The Scene concert info pages to read the article!
Publication: Hit Parader
Issue: No. 39/No. 40
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Late June 1967
Publish Date: September/October 1967
Interview Location: Unknown - New York
This third interview publication by Don Paulsen for Hit Parader, titled 'The Doors Are Different', is spread over two issues of the magazine. All four of The Doors are quoted extensively in this report, discussing music origins, personal backgrounds, and more. This interview is likely conducted at Steve Paul's The Scene in late June of 1967.
Publication: Teen Talk (Syndicated)
Issue: Various - Early July 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Late June 1967
Publish Date: Various - Early July 1967
Interview Location: Unknown
Throughout 1967, Susan Szekely publishes a regular column in newspapers across the U.S. and Canada known as Teen Talk, featuring quotes from many popular artists of the time, including The Doors. In this early July column, musicians are asked to give their opinion of The Beatles new album, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Ray expresses that they should have added a Duke Ellington song to the album. John says the microphones are well placed for recording. Robby says he likes the drums. Jim Morrison is not quoted. Susan later becomes the Editor of Eye Magazine, another publication to feature articles on The Doors and Jim Morrison.
Publication: Teen Screen
Issue: August - 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Early July 1967
Publish Date: August - 1967
Interview Location: Unknown - Los Angeles, CA
In the August 1967 issue of Teen Screen, an interview with The Doors is conducted in Los Angeles by an editor of the magazine. Teen Screen is based out of Hollywood, and the location of the interview is unknown. The Doors talk about their university and education backgrounds, their dislike for the police, and the types of women they're into. Ray and Jim discuss music and what they believe will be the future of it. There is a possibility that this interview was recorded.
Publication: GO Magazine
Issue: July 21st - 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - July 1967
Publish Date: July 21st - 1967
Interview Location: Unknown Location
Richard Robinson of GO magazine is given an exclusive interview with The Doors in July of 1967. Jim Morrison is not present, however Ray Manzarek discusses the idea of Jim and himself making films in the future. Other subjects included are art, and the band's current and future albums. The date and location for this interview is unknown.
Publication: New England Teen Scene
Issue: October - 1967
Interview Date: August 11th - 1967
Publish Date: October - 1967
Interview Location: Boston, MA
The proprietors of local Boston magazine New England Teen Scene accompany The Doors and Steve Harris for lunch and an outing around Cambridge on the second day of band's scheduled performances at the Crosstown Bus. Ray discusses the performances from the night before, and the band visits Harvard Yard where they are joined by a group of harp players who loan one to Robby for an impromptu jam. The interviewers later attend the tail end of the early show, and the full late show at the Crosstown Bus. No recordings or photographs appear to have been made during this session.
Publication: Teenset
Issue: January - 1968
Interview Date: August 25th - 1967
Publish Date: January - 1968
Interview Location: Backstage - Las Vegas, NV
The Doors give a short interview to Pamela Fourzon of Teenset Magazine backstage at the Las Vegas Convention Center on August 25th, 1967. Ray and Robby don't parttake. John Densmore discusses the idea of The Doors performances being like theatre, and their plans to do more of it. He also discusses the current album, Strange Days, and how it was put together using many different instruments. Jim Morrison is next to be interviewed, and again discusses the future of recording, and The Doors rejection of an offer to do a movie with Roger Corman. Finally, the article goes on to describe The Doors performance given that night.
Publication: KRLA Beat
Issue: October 7th - 1967
Interview Date: August 28th - 1967
Publish Date: October 7th - 1967
Interview Location: Exact Location Unknown
The Doors are quoted in the October 7th issue of KRLA Beat from an interview with the article's author, Mike Masterson. The Doors discuss their philosophy, early and present musical influences, favorite tracks from their own albums, and other aspects of the band. This interview was conducted on August 28th at The Doors office and was recorded. On the tape recording, freelance journalist Jeffrey C. Alexander can be heard speaking with Jim Morrison about the previous night's show at The Cheetah (See Next Listing).
Publication: Various - Harvard Crimson, Los Angeles Times, The Montreal Star
Issue: Various Dates - October 13th (Earliest Known)
Interview Date: August 28th - 1967
Publish Date: October 13th - 1967
Interview Location: The Doors Office - Los Angeles, CA
This interview with the entire band by freelance jouranlist Jeffrey Alexander takes place at The Doors office at 1:00pm on August 28th, 1967 and was published in various newspapers across the U.S. and Canada in October and November. Jim Morrison apologizes for the lateness of the rest of the band, explaining to Jeffrey that The Doors played a late show at the Cheetah the night before. Edits and alterations are made to the original content throughout the different publications of this article. The earliest known publication of this interview is featured in the October 13th issue of the Harvard Crimson, and again later in The Los Angeles Times, The Montreal Star, and other newspapers.
Publication: Cleveland Plain Dealer
Issue: September 8th - 1967
Interview Date: September 7th - 1967
Publish Date: September 8th - 1967
Interview Location: Backstage Musicarnival - Warrensville, OH
Prior to their upcoming performance in Cleveland, Jane Scott interviews Jim Morrison over the phone. He tells Jane this will be The Doors first performance in the mid-west, and gives details on the upcoming album Strange Days. He also discusses playing The End at the London Fog, and the formation of the song, stating that the Oedipus section was added at the Whisky A Go Go in which The Doors were fired the next day. When asked if his parents are dead, he replies "Well, I've lost touch". No known recordings of this phone call have surfaced.
Publication: Canton Daily Ledger
Issue: September 15th - 1967
Interview Date: September 13th - 1967
Publish Date: September 15th - 1967
Interview Location: Backstage - Canton, IL
High school student Connie Cook conducts a Q&A with The Doors backstage at Canton High School on September 13th and publishes the answers in the Canton Daily Ledger. Jim Morrison tells Connie he'd like to play for the soldiers in Vietnam, and that he grows his hair long because he does not look good with short hair. Ray says he meets nice people everywhere, and Robby explains that colleges are on the way out. John tells Connie he likes to play tennis and basketball. The article is published on September 15th. Click HERE to read the article on our Canton High School concert info page!
Publication: Cleveland Plain Dealer
Issue: September 15th - 1967
Interview Date: September 14th - 1967
Publish Date: September 15th - 1967
Interview Location: Backstage Musicarnival - Warrensville, OH
This backstage Q&A with Jim Morrison is conducted by journalist Jane Scott during Musicarnival in Warrensville, Ohio on September 14th, 1967, and published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer the following day.
Publication: Stockton Daily Press
Issue: October 17th - 1967
Interview Date: September 17th - 1967
Publish Date: October 17th - 1967
Interview Location: Backstage Ed Sullivan Show - New York, NY
Bob Budler of the Copley News Service is backstage for The Doors performance on The Ed Sullivan Show to conduct interviews with the guests, and later communicates through the wire service that Jim Morrison came to the studio badly in need of a bath. He later reports that upon meeting Jim Morrison two days later, he still had not taken a bath and was still wearing the same clothing. There is currently no indication that any portion of the actual interview was ever published, however various recountings of the incident are known.
Publication: (Associated Press)
Issue: Various - November > December 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - September 1967
Publish Date: November 7th - 1967
Interview Location: New York, NY
Mary Campbell, journalist for the Associated Press, publishes an article on The Doors in early November 1967 which spreads across the U.S. in newspapers nationwide for the next four weeks. All four members of the band are interviewed, and the article becomes a legacy piece for the group with quotes from Jim Morrison such as the songs of their albums being about "love, travel and death", and Ray Manzarek describing the sound of the band as "electric eclectric". The earliest known printing of this article takes place on November 7th, with hundreds of reprints occurring into December. The exact date and location of this interview is unknown, however Mary Campbell is based out of the Associated Press offices of New York, and likely conducted the interview while The Doors are in New York in September.
Publication: Paperbag
Issue: February - 1968
Interview Date: September xx - 1967
Publish Date: February - 1968
Interview Location: Unknown - Los Angeles, CA
All four of The Doors are quoted in the inaugural issue of Paperbag magazine, a newly formed publication in Los Angeles. The band discusses Light My Fire, The End, and their direction in music. Strange Days is also discussed. Selected fan letters to The Doors are also shared and published in the article. The exact date and location of this interview is unknown, however the contents of the article indicate that this may have taken place at The Doors office sometime before or after the release of Strange Days.
Publication: TV Radio Talk
Issue: March - 1968
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - September 1967
Publish Date: March - 1968
Interview Location: New York, NY
All four of The Doors are quoted in the March 1968 issue of TV Radio Talk in an article written by Lana Fields. Each band member answers biographical questions pertaining to themselves, and Jim Morrison talks about the recording of The End. A rare photo of Jim Morrison and Pamela Courson together at the Cheetah is also included in the feature. The date and location of this Q&A with the band is unknown, however it appears to have been conducted in New York in September of 1967.
Publication: Teen Scoop
Issue: November - 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - September 1967
Publish Date: November - 1967
Interview Location: Exact Location Unknown
All four of The Doors are quoted briefly in the November 1967 issue of Teen Scoop. The Doors talk about their roots, who they are, and Jim Morrison gives a variation of his 'chaos & disorder' explanation.
Publication: Newsday
Issue: December 4th - 1967
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Late September 1967
Publish Date: December 4th - 1968
Interview Location: New York, NY
The Doors are interviewed by Bob Micklin of Newsday at an unknown location in New York in late September 1967. Jim Nightingale photographs the band members during the interview, however Jim Morrison is not present. Ray, Robby, and John discuss the songwriting process, the formation and evolution of the band, and Ray tells the interviewer about a recent offer to do a deodorant commercial.
Publication: Unknown
Issue: Unknown
Interview Date: October 8th - 1967
Publish Date: Unknown
Interview Location: Tulsa Assembly Center
The Doors are interviewed briefly backstage by Chris Boyle prior to their performance at the Tulsa Assembly Center on October 8th, 1967. The band is asked basic questions about recording and playing. Bill Siddons is also mentioned in having found a 'stuck key' on Ray's keyboard. A photo of the interviewer is included alongside the article, and a setlist is given for the show. Chris Boyle interviews John Densmore again in 1970 following The Doors performance at Long Beach.
Publication: Newsweek
Issue: November 6th - 1967
Interview Date: October 28th - 1967
Publish Date: November 6th - 1967
Interview Location: University Of California, Santa Barbara - Goleta, CA
Newsweek reporter John Riley attends The Doors performance on October 28th, 1967 at the University Of California, Santa Barbara and later conducts a Q&A session with Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek. This article is accompanied by a photograph taken in July 1967 at the Anaheim Convention Center by Gamma, a company started by the now official photographer for The Doors, Paul Ferrara. The article features numerous quotes discussing who The Doors are, Los Angeles, and the future. No recordings of this Q&A are known to exist.
Publication: Star-News/Vanguard
Issue: December 16th - 1967
Interview Date: November 4th - 1967
Publish Date: December 16th - 1967
Interview Location: San Diego Community Concourse G.H.
Robby Krieger is interviewed by Wayne Carpenter of the Copley News Service while The Doors are in San Diego for their performance on November 4th, 1967. Robby talks about the Maharishi and meditation, along with the use of LSD and other drugs by young people to deal with tensions in society. The article also features a photo of The Doors performing on stage. Click HERE to read the interview on our San Diego concert info page!
Publication: Washington Star
Issue: November 18th
Interview Date: Unknown
Publish Date: November 18th - 1967
Interview Location: Exact Locations Unknown
This phone call interview between The Doors and Michael Oberman took place on an unknown date in 1967 for The Doors upcoming performance at the Washington Hilton Hotel. The article is published in the November 18th edition of the Washington Star. This phone call was not recorded. Michael Oberman conducts another interview backstage at the Philadelphia Spectrum in 1970.
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< Click To Read The Article! |
Publication: Song Hits
Issue: May - 1968
Interview Date: November 24th - 1967
Publish Date: May - 1968
Interview Location: Hunter College
In between performances at Hunter College in 1967, Jim Morrison is briefly interviewed by teenager Deana Lawrence for a regular feature in Song Hits magazine titled 'My Beautiful Experience'. Jim is portrayed in a light mood and very accomodating to the young interviewer who is star struck for the meeting.
Publication: Teen Datebook
Issue: April 1968
Interview Date: December 2nd - 1967
Publish Date: April 1968
Interview Location: Portland Memorial Coliseum
High school students Mark Malicoat and Peter Bauer head to the Holidady Inn immediately following The Doors performance in Portland on December 2nd, 1967 for a chance to interview Jim Morrison. They succeed, and the students allegedly record this interview along with the concert, however the tape is now said to be lost. During the interview, Jim discusses the reasons why certain songs weren't performed, and why the show was cut short. He explains that the band was going to perform The End but police put a stop to the performance. A full setlist for the Portland performance is included in the article.
Publication: LIFE Magazine
Issue: April 12 - 1968
Interview Date: Exact Date Unknown - Early December 1967
Publish Date: April 12 - 1968
Interview Location: Exact Location Unknown - NY
This interview with The Doors conducted by Fred Powledge was incorporated into a popular article written about Jim Morrison's arrest in New Haven, in the April 12th, 1968 issue of LIFE Magazine. Also interviewed at Elektra Records in New York are Jac Holzman and producers Paul Rothchild and Peter Siegel. The interviews appear to have taken place in December 1967, shortly before The Doors performance in Troy, NY on December 8th. This article was printed in LIFE with two different covers due to the unexpected death of Martin Luther King.
Publication: Teenset
Issue: April 1968
Interview Date: December 20th - 1967
Publish Date: April 1968
Interview Location: Los Angeles
The Doors are present at the start of this interview in their office, a few days prior to their performances at Shrine Exposition Hall. The focus moves to Jim Morrison as he is interviewed by Judith Sims at a street cafe across from the office where he talks about the arrest in New Haven and other recent happenings. The Doors are not recorded for this interview.