Note: Magazines are listed by date of publication.
Issue Date: February 1968
Article: Let's Open Up The Doors
Author: Not Specified
LIFE - VOL.64 NO.15 - APRIL 12TH 1968
Issue Date: April 12th 1968
Article: Wicked Go The Doors
Author: Fred Powledge
CHEETAH - VOL. 1 NO.8 - MAY 1968
Issue Date: May 1968
Article: The Jim Morrison Bust
Author: Michael Zwerin
Contributed By: LSchlicher
Issue Date: November 1968
Article: Jim Morrison
Author: Unknown

While in the Amsterdam 'Concertgebouw' the unbelievable sound of Jefferson's Airplane through the concert hall sounded, the Doors were busy preparing for their performance. A preparation that, as many insiders say, had nothing to do with normal concentration, but with the use of stimulants in such quantities that up until now it surprised everybody that no severe accidents have occurred. Now it is the case with drugs that they come in all shapes and sizes. It usually starts off with some innocent snorting, but especially for pop artists and the stress they experience, it's hard to stop. Particularly Jim Morrison, who has an act that's called the best after Mick Jagger, pulls all the emergency breaks to get in the right mood. He then forgets his surroundings almost entirely and in a sort of ecstasy let himself go completely that it makes the crowd completely obsessed. That night in Amsterdam, however, it went wrong. On the unique photo we see how Jim suddenly runs on the stage while Jefferson Airplane is still playing. Dancing wildly, he tries to drive up the group of colleagues, who work together during all the concerts, to higher concentration. The flashing lights excite in a way we had never seen before. And then, all at once, Jim can't hold it anymore. He has to leave quickly. Backstage, he has to be supported. He has a great lack of oxygen. Hastily, he was transported to the narcotics department of the Wilhelmina hospital in Amsterdam. There they find out it's impossible for Jim to perform. The crowd holds its breath as that news is delivered. Very suspicious they face the three Doors who want to maintain the performance. An almost impossible task, because Jim is everything. Jim does it, you hear in the crowd. The three remaining Doors save the show. They're not driven away, the edge is off. The crowd sits through it and acts a little excited after all, because it still costed them a lot of money to get in. Besides, Jim Morrison was not impressed by what had happened. Ever since the start of the group he has created the ambience of the mystical outsider around himself. Sometimes he goes into hiding without even his friends knowing where he went, to reappear three days later without a comment. Nobody will ever know what he has done, because that's the mystery of Jim. He loves creating mysteries.
When the Doors arrived in England, for days there was a rumor going around that Jim was already in England and was watching the distress of press conferences from a distance. The mystical ambience coming from Amerika had rubbed off on England. Nobody had ever said that Jim would already be in England, but speculations just happen to emerge around Mr. Morrison. In the group itself, he takes a special place, too. Nobody asks him what he's doing or what he's thinking of. He is excused in advance. If he comes, they're happy, if he doesn't, they don't complain because they just know. Except that Jim Morrison makes the show during performances, he also writes almost all the important hits for the Doors. Five singles were released in America in a period of two years, which all achieved hit parade. In Jim's free time he also writes very creditable poems, that he has not commercially published yet. It is curious that it took so long until the Doors got a foothold in Europe as well. The fanatics already said two years ago that the Doors was one of the best groups at that moment. They even had a small hit before. But we knew too little about this group. There was hardly any published photo material, while the extent of the phenomenon Morrison had yet to get through. It also depended a bit on the Flower Power, which went in huge waves through Europe. The Doors were a typical West coast group, but not a Flower power group. They did agree on lots of things with the Flower power people, but criticized the presentation and utterances. One of the most impressive pieces from the Doors, who are politically engaged, is the not so old Unknown Soldier. This was a surprise hit in the Netherlands as well, because the record was barely played until it suddenly appeared in the Top 40. This, once again, is one of the reasons why people speak of the mystical Doors!
Translation By: Alex Heerkens
ZIGZAG - NO. 16 - OCTOBER 1970
Issue Date: October 1970
Article: The Doors
Author: John Tobler