Venue Address: 1 Navy St. - Santa Monica, CA
Promotion: Cheetah
Event: In Concert
Also Performing:
The Nazz
Watts 103rd St. Rhythm Band
Setlists: |
Matinee Show (Unknown) |
Early Show (Unknown) |
Late Show (Unknown) |
Recordings / Film:
Documentary Footage (See Below)
Unidentified (Amateur)
Reviews / Info:
-The Cheetah is founded in New York by Olivier Coquelin and Borden Stevenson.
-Promotional artwork by Penelope Brokenshire (Poster;)
-Newspaper advertisements reflect a 3:00pm matinee showtime and an 8:10pm evening showtime.
-Handbills reflect a 3:00pm matinee showtime and an 8:30pm evening showtime.
-Posters reflect a 3:30pm matinee showtime and 7:30pm & 11:00pm evening showtimes.
-A portion of these shows are captured on film. (See Below).
-The Doors give interviews to Jeffrey C. Alexander and Mike Masterson the following day.
"This was an important concert for a couple of reasons. I had seen The Beatles in '64, '65, and '66, and had seen a few other bands here and there but I graduated in June '67 and got a car in July. I also started hanging out with the local hippies which immediately changed my life. I was accepted and befriended by the whole group and was exposed to music, clothing styles, ideas, politics, poetry, movies, books and people that were totally new to me. I met what would be my best friend and we started going to clubs and hang-outs in Santa Monica and Hollywood 5 nights a week (The other two were for catching up on sleep and washing our hair.)
At this concert we ran into two girls we had gone to high school with, who were part of a group that hung around Frank Zappa and would later become the GTO's. We loved their style and started dressing like them and we could get in a lot of concerts (like the Shrine Auditorium almost every Saturday and Sunday) by saying we were with Frank. (We weren't part of Franks entourage - total lie.) One of the Future GTO's snapped my bra and said "why are you wearing THAT?!". I knew none of them wore bras but it still was hard to get used to. It was one of the last times I wore a bra... for about 20 years.
The concert itself was one of the first ones we went to with no seating. They were way more fun, but between the smoke and tall guys standing in front of us it was hard sometimes to see the band. Platform shoes helped a lot! The two biggest hang-outs were in front of the Whisky a Go Go on Sunset Boulevard until 2AM and then Canter's deli on Fairfax after that. So that's what we did after the concert. The Doors always put on a good show, and sounded just like their album, and Jim was very dramatic and entertaining. I think I saw them perform four times in '67."
Marcy Downes
San Pedro, CA
Copyright © 2022 Marcy Downes
A Special Thanks to Marcy Downes for providing her story of the concert to MildEquator.com!
Be sure to read Marcy's review of The Doors performance at Cal State L.A., 1967!

This hour and a half documentary film, also known as 'The Second Coming, 1967 A.D.' or 'The Scene', was shot in 1967 in various locations around California, and released in 1968. The film includes various footage related to The Doors, including a shot of an Elektra Billboard during the 1967 Sunset Strip riots, a venue marquee and brief footage of The Doors at the Cheetah in August 1967, footage of The Doors performing at the Shrine Exposition Hall, and an illustrated schedule from the Fantasy Fayre (Jul. 15th-16th, 1967). Native audio does not appear to have been recorded for this film, however it does make use of I Looked At You and The End. Original film sources are yet to be uncovered, however a poor quality VHS review tape of a 1992-93 re-edit by the films director, Pierre Sogol, is known to collectors. The whereabouts of the director, whose real name may be Fredrick Wolf, and the master filmwork, are currently unknown.

Contributed By: BTikellis
Dimensions: 8 1/2" X 5 1/2"
Contributed By: BallroomDays67
Artist: Penelope BrokenshireDimensions: 22 3/8" X 16 15/16"

Contributed By: Art Gallery Of Ontario - http://www.ago.ca