Venue Address: 5151 State College Dr. - Los Angeles, CA
Promotion: Kappa Sigma Presents
Event: In Concert
Also Performing:
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
The Sunshine Company
Soul Kitchen
Break On Through
The Crystal Ship
People Are Strange
Light My Fire
Recordings / Film:
Ed Caraeff
Roger Corbin
Nurit Wilde
Unidentified (Amateur)
Reviews / Info:
-This event takes place in the Eagle's Nest Gymnasium.
-Future intern and band manager Danny Sugerman attends this performance as a teenager.
-Tickets for this show are $2.50, $3.50, and $4.50
-8:30pm scheduled start time.
-The Doors open the show with Soul Kitchen.
-Photographs taken at this show by Nurit Wilde are published in the March 1968 issue of TEENSET.
"I was at The Doors concert at Cal State LA in '67. As this page states, it was held in the gym. Not the most comfortable venue. But we were kids and it was great! It was one of those moments where your life takes a turn. Somehow, to my hearing, the music was superior to the recorded versions, but nothing could compete with the spectacle of Morrison--reading poetry, tossing pages to the floor as he went, leaning over and gazing at Robby's guitar playing. I don't know how long they had gone on, but it must have been close to lights out, when I looked to my left and there through the doors came my dad--chinos, loafers, crew cut--and the look on his face was the pure expression of "what the hell is going on here?" The band was in the middle of a never end in this lifetime version of Soul Kitchen, Morrison was laying on his back on the stage thrashing around like he was having a rock 'n roll seizure, the plump little girl in the plastic see through dress looked like she was about to commit nasties on the lizard king's body right then and there at the foot of the stage, and there I was--14 years old, sitting in the bleachers and thinking "This is the best time I've ever had! I gotta do a lot more of this! And where do I get some weed?!"
Jim Lindstrom
Los Angeles, CA
Copyright © 2024 Jim Lindstrom
A Special Thanks to Jim Lindstrom for providing his review of the concert to MildEquator.com!
"October 6th, 1967 I saw The Doors at Cal State L.A. Yes I met Jim Morrison but the story isn't flattering to either of us! The show was in a Gymnasium. We went behind the gym and there was Jim, talking to someone! I had been to two of his shows before this one, I had a camera with me with a flash. I got about a foot or two away and took several flash photos of him, probably blinding him! He finally turned and yelled at me and cussed me out. I don't recall the exact words. He did seem a bit drunk. Then I had the gall to answer him that I had bought his album and paid to see him and he should treat his fans better! I'm cringing to think about how rude I was. Anyway we stomped off and went back inside to our seats in the bleachers. I took a few more photos and needed to change the film in my camera. AND I DROPPED THE ROLL OF FILM!!!!! It fell to the floor under the bleachers. After the concert we hung around to look for it. But they wouldn't let us. They told us to come back the next day. We did that but the janitor said it never turned up so we got permission to go through all the trash from the previous night actually, probably the previous week! We spent at least an hour digging through all their trash but never found it!"
Marcy Downes
San Pedro, CA
Copyright © 2022 Marcy Downes
A Special Thanks to Marcy Downes for providing her ticket stub and story of the concert to MildEquator.com!
Be sure to read Marcy's review of The Doors performance at The Cheetah, 1967!

Newspaper: College TimesAuthor: Janice Sompel
Publish Date: October 11th - 1967
Copyright © College Times

Contributed By: jim4371
Newspaper: UCLA Daily BruinAuthor: Jan Edward Vogels
Publish Date: October 12th - 1967
Copyright © UCLA Daily Bruin

Contributed By: jim4371
Newspaper: College TimesAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: October 6th - 1967
Copyright © UCLA Daily Bruin

Contributed By: jim4371
Newspaper: Pasadena Star NewsAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: October 4th - 1967
Copyright © Pasadena Star News

Contributed By: MildEquator.com

Contributed By: RFritts