Venue Address: Grove St. - New Haven, CT
Promotion: New Haven College
Event: Benefit Interfraternity Council Scholarship Fund
Also Performing:
Tommy & The Riviera
Lochsley Hall Assembly
House Announcer Introduction #1 (Phil Karakoosh)
House Announcer Introduction #2 (Phil Karakoosh)
Break On Through
When The Music's Over
-Go Insane
Alabama Song >
Backdoor Man
-Five To One
Love Me Two Times
"Little Blue Man in a Little Blue Suit"
(Jim Morrison Demands)
(Jim Morrison is Arrested)
Recordings / Film:
8mm Amateur/Audience Film (See Below)
Tim Page
Joe Sia
Dick Wingate
Reviews / Info:
-8:30pm scheduled start time.
-Approx. 2,000 in attendance.
-Prior to the show Jim Morrison is maced by local police officer Arthur Baker.
-Jim Morrison is taken to Emergency by a LIFE Magazine entourage to treat his eyes following the macing.
-The show is deemed cancelled by authorities before it starts, but fear of a riot prompts the officers to allow the show to go on, and Jim Morrison returns to the venue to perform.
-House announcer Phil Karakoosh introduces The Doors and they do not take the stage, forcing him to introduce the band twice.
-During the performance Jim Morrison criticizes police in an outburst for his treatment backstage.
-House lights come up during Jim Morrison's rant and the show is declared over by police.
-Jim Morrison is arrested onstage by authorities for refusing to comply with the show's termination by police.
-An audience member captures Jim Morrison's arrest on 8mm film. (See Below)
-LIFE photographer Tim Page captures the arrest on camera.
-A small riot ensues following the arrest and various audience members are also taken into custody including LIFE magazine photographer Tim Page, journalist Michael Zwerin (Village Voice), and reporter Yvonne Chabrier (LIFE).
-Road Manager Vince Treanor and members of Organ Factory pack away stage equipment while Bill Siddons & Richard Loren tend to matters at police HQ.
-Teenagers demanding Jim Morrison's release are arrested at police headquarters for protesting.
-Max Fink posts Jim Morrison's bail and he is released by authorities.
-LIFE journalist Fred Powledge posts bail for Tim Page, Michael Zwerin, Yvonne Chabrier, and the entourage is released.
-As a result of the events of this show, The Doors are fired from an upcoming television performance.
-Jim Morrison fails to appear in court on January 16th, 1968.
-A trial takes place for the LIFE Magazine entourage in early 1968.
-Michael Zwerin and Yvonne Chabrier are acquitted on all charges, however Tim Page skips a re-scheduled trial date and forfeits his bond.
-Michael Zwerin publishes an account of the LIFE entourage trial in March 1968.
-Fred Powledge publishes his account of the New Haven show in the April 12th, 1968 issue of LIFE Magazine (See Below).
-Michael Zwerin publishes an account of the New Haven show in the May 1968 issue of Cheetah (See Below).
-LIFE photographer Tim Page remains 'Wanted' in Connecticut until his passing in 2022.
"I was one of the concert-goers that night who went to see The Doors in New Haven, Connecticut. I was only 14 yrs. old at the time and remember I had to beg my parents to go to this concert which would have been my first, and I went with a Jr. high school chum. The song 'Light My Fire' had been #1 on the charts the summer of that year, and I had begged long enough my parents finally said yes. Concerts then were relatively tame, and so they figured it was safe for me to go along with friends.
By my recollection the New Haven Arena was only about 3/4 full at best that night - not fully packed like the movie 'The Doors' depicted. The movie also got the year wrong for this concert, too. It was 1967, not 1968. I don't remember screaming girls up by the stage either, at least nothing like the movie presented it to be.
The opening band playing for the concert was on stage for what seemed like a very long time - it felt like it was forever - and the crowd was getting restless waiting to see The Doors. My personal concern as I recall, was the concert would obviously be letting out very late which was something that was not supposed to happen considering my age at the time and particularly due to all the assurances I had to go through with my parents to be allowed to even go.
When The Doors finally came out they were absolutely nothing like the opening band; not in presentation, demeanor, appearance or mood. They were everything I had not expected, in fact. I had never heard any of their other music other than their hit 'Light My Fire' or the flip side of the 45 rpm record which was 'The Crystal Ship'; fairly typical for an emerging 14 year old's exposure to bands back then. The Doors songs were long, the lyrics were deep, and sounded hynotic and moody. Once I got over the unexpected strangeness, I became completely absorbed in the lead singer Jim Morrison; he was hypnotic and mesmerizing, and he was VERY provocative and sexually charged. Even as a 14 year old sitting 1/4 of the way back and to the side of the arena, I could see Morrison was obviously very sexual aroused physically in his very tight black leather pants, but then again he had been rubbing up against the microphone stand like a lover throughout the song. - No, this was nothing like what I had expected at all, but I was totally fascinated. My friend and I kept glancing at each other, and we both didn't say anything but each of us knew we had noticed that very obvious bulge in his pants. And we both knew this was something very unlike the ordinary for a concert, even as inexperienced 14 year olds.
I remember Jim started talking mid-song to the audience even before the talk about the police incident in the shower stall backstage. He had stopped singing and would talk for a moment or two. This was different. I remember at some point he spit into the audience and threw the microphone stand off the front of the stage and said something like "everyone hates me". Unexpected again, and bizarre. But I realized I couldn't wait to see or hear what he would say or do next. The entire crowd was mesmerized along with us, although around this point, a few Yalie's heckled Morrison. Morrison bantered back and forth with them for a moment using four-letter language on stage, a huge taboo back then for public obscenities on stage. I thought one Yalie yelled out "you suck" to Jim, but I wasn't sure if it was really someone else in the audience telling the Yalies it was they who sucked or if it was a Yalie who directed that at Morrison. At this point Morrison asked if he would like to come down on the stage and try himself, referring obviously to the "you suck" comment.
After starting another song - I think it was 'Back Door Man' - Morrison half-way through was talking again and the entire dialog with the crowd concerned the incident backstage before the show; about a little blue man with his little blue hat, and his being sprayed with mace, how he was blinded. He asked for confirmation if "this was New Haven, Connecticut, in the United States of America", but the way he spoke during this, there just wasn't any denying he was mocking the police force and had complete disdain for them. By now officers had moved closer to the stage in larger numbers, but Morrison suddenly launched back into completing the song he had interrupted. When the song ended, suddenly the lights came on. Morrison kept saying they had to turn the lights back down, but they didn't go back down. I just knew something was about to happen, and sure enough, a police officer took the microphone Jim was handing him after telling the office to, "say your thing, man". The officer proceeded to tell Jim "you've gone too far, the concert is over" and he and another officer led Jim off the stage. Jim did look puzzled. The audience was confused, and then suddenly angry-
I remember I was upset as The Doors never sang that one song I wanted to hear, 'Light My Fire', but that disappointment quickly went to fear as the crowd got ugly. Chairs were being thrown around and I knew I had to leave before anything grew worse. I remember as I was trying to exit someone in front of me kicked-out the glass panel at the bottom of the arena door in front. Once outside I was thinking thank God my parents wouldn't know what happened in there. Imagine my horror as the New Haven Register had it on the front page the next day.
Somewhere in the New Haven Register it said Jim was arrested for giving "a lewd and lascivious performance" and being so young I had to look up what that word meant. Not too many weeks later either LOOK or LIFE magazine did a cover article on the concert and what happened there. -- My parents never mentioned the concert to me ever, but I didn't ask to see another for a good while not wanting the subject to come up. I did rush out to buy their album the very next day as did my friend. Listening to it, we relived the experience over and over again.
Either way, since that night in the New Haven Arena at The Doors concert, I remained throughout the years totally fascinated by Jim Morrison, The Doors music, and that night's experience. It was an experience I'll never forget. If you have not been to a Doors concert, you will never understand the powerful effect he had over an audience. He was hypnotic, he was captivating, and he drew you in along with the bands music. In fact, over the years whenever I hear a Doors song I think back on that night and of my friend who attended that infamous concert with me. I lost track of her somewhere along the road of life. But Lisa Emmer, wherever you are, I know you remember that night with me, too.
Jean G.
North Carolina
Copyright © 2020 Jean G.
A Special Thanks to Jean G. for providing her review of the concert to MildEquator.com!
December 8, 2017
"50 years ago today, I was one of three New Haven, Connecticut Police Officers that arrested Jim Morrison of The Doors.
On December 9, 1967, I was working extra duty at the old New Haven Arena. There were approximately 30-35 Officers on duty for the concert. All Officers had to report at 7:00 PM, two hours before the concert to check all offices, rest rooms, dressing rooms etc. for any unauthorized non paying persons. The old Arena building had wooden doors and windows and were easily forced open to allow people to sneak in. That's why it was important for us the check the building before each event. Jim Morrison and an unidentified female were hiding in a shower stall. An Officer checking those areas, discovered them and told them to leave. The young lady ran out of the building but Mr. Morrison decided to give the Officer a hard time. Telling the Officer to mind his own business. There was reported shoving and Morrison got maced and arrested. As he was being escorted out of the building, his Manager intervened and agreed to have Mr. Morrison surrender after the concert. Lieutenant James Kelly was in charge and gave his approval with a warning to Mr. Morrison to cool off and act properly. I was stationed on the floor in front of the center of the stage. The concert went on as planned.
Toward the end, Mr. Morrison started to tell the story about his dealings with the New Haven Police. The audience, mostly young people started to stamp their feet on the old wooden floor, making a thunderous noise. The crowd was getting agitated and worked up. Lt. Kelly jumped up on stage and warned Mr. Morrison to knock it off. 10 minutes later, Morrison was again agitating the crowd and Lt. Kelly went behind the stage and ordered the overhead lights on. He also had Morrison's mike cut off. At that point Lt. Kelly told Morrison that the concert was over and he was under arrest. Officer Wayne Thomas jumped on stage and assisted Lt. Kelly in escorting Morrison to the rear of the stage. I then jumped up on stage and took Lt. Kelly's place, permitting Lt. Kelly to remain on the stage to direct crowd control. Morrison was escorted to a waiting paddy wagon in the parking garage. He was taken to Headquarters at 165 Court Street and booked on several charges. By the time he was fingerprinted and processed, it was after midnight so his booking picture was dated December 10, 1967.
There is a short YouTube video of the actual arrest. Looking at the video, to the right is Lt. James Kelly. In the center taking Morrison's mike from him is Officer Kevin Leary and to the left, toward the end, I am shown after jumping on the stage to assist Officer Leary in escorting Jim Morrison to the waiting paddy wagon parked in the garage behind the stage."
Robert Meyerholz
Venice, FL
Copyright © 2018 Robert Meyerholz
A Special Thanks to Robert Meyerholz for providing his review of the concert to MildEquator.com!
"On December 9th, 1967 my uncle Phil Karakoosh was the unknown house announcer who introduced The Doors in New Haven. My family had talked little of this through my life until his funeral in '22. It was brought up by his daughter while speaking of his accomplishes in life. As the story goes, Phil was the head of the student council in '67 and was in charge of orchestrating the concert events with the other schools. In particular The Doors event. It was stated that Jim Morrison was unruly and disruptive, and didn't want to play that night because of the police and the show was then canceled. Realizing they had to play because of a possible backlash from the crowd, the scheduled announcer was absent at the moment, so on came my Uncle Phil and it took two announcements till they finally took the stage.
Supposedly afterward, he would make reference about the event, calling Morrison (oddly enough) a toad. It wasn't a good reference and was the reason no one looked further into the event. It wasn't a pleasurable bookmark. Fast forward to me, and I think it's freaking awesome, and now so does some of the family! I would love to find a recording of that show including the house announcer for verification!"
Mat Karakoosh
Orlando, FL
Copyright © 2023 Mat Karakoosh
A Special Thanks to Mat Karakoosh for telling us his story about New Haven here on MildEquator.com!

This well known footage of Jim Morrison's onstage arrest by New Haven authorities on December 9th, 1967 is shot in color on an 8mm camera. Unreleased footage from the same reel is rumored to exist in The Doors archives, however confirmation is still needed.
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Magazine: Cheetah - Vol. 1 No. 8 INSIDE: |
Newspaper: The Connecticut Daily CampusAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1967
Copyright © The Connecticut Daily Campus

Contributed By: ElBupperto
Newspaper: The New York TimesAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1967
Copyright © The New York Times

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: The DayAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1967
Copyright © The Day

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: The Morning RecordAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1967
Copyright © The Morning Record

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: North Adams TranscriptAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1967
Copyright © North Adams Transcript

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: The Daily NewsAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1967
Copyright © The Daily News

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: The RecordAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1967
Copyright © The Record

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: The Press DemocratAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1967
Copyright © The Press Democrat

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: Hartford CourantAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 12th - 1967
Copyright © Hartford Courant

Contributed By: jim4371
Newspaper: UnknownAuthor: Hugh Spitzer
Publish Date: Unknown - 1967
Copyright © Unknown

Contributed By: jim4371
Newspaper: The New Journal (Yale University)Author: Lawrence Lasker
Publish Date: February 4th - 1968
Copyright © Lawrence Lasker

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: Hartford CourantAuthor: Patricia Kenny
Publish Date: July 13th - 1968
Copyright © Hartford Courant

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: Hartford CourantAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1967
Copyright © Hartford Courant

Contributed By: jim4371
Newspaper: The Hartford CourantAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: January 17th - 1968
Copyright © The Hartford Courant

Contributed By: MildEquator.com

Contributed By: MildEquator.com

Contributed By: RFritts

Contributed By: jim4371

Contributed By: SRapallo