Venue Address: 909 First Ave. - Dallas, TX
Promotion: Richard Linnell
Event: In Concert
Also Performing:
Setlist: |
Early Show House Announcer (Unknown) Love Her Madly -Love Her Madly Jam (Instrumental) -Maybe It's Not For Sure -Keep Faith In What You See Back Door Man Ship Of Fools -Land Ho! The Changeling L.A. Woman When The Music's Over -All My World -Something Wrong Riders On The Storm Light My Fire (Incomplete) |
Late Show House Announcer (Unknown) Roadhouse Blues Crawling King Snake Ship Of Fools Palace In The Canyon > L.A. Woman When The Music's Over Riders On The Storm The End "Squeeze My Lemon" -I'd Be Your Penman (Poetry) -Mystery Train -Away In India (Possibly Incomplete) |
Recordings / Film:
Amateur/Audience Recording (Early Show)
Amateur/Audience Recording (Late Show)
Gerry Barker
Ren Deaton
Carl Dunn
Ed Golden
Patricia Lee Tindell
Unidentified (Amateur)
Reviews / Info:
-Promotional artwork by Steve Brooks (Handbill; Poster;)
-The public creates demand for a second show when tickets sell out.
-Tickets for the added performance are sold at the door.
-8:00pm & 10:30pm scheduled start times.
-Approx. 3,000 in attendance during the early show.
-The Doors play a segment of Land Ho! during Ship Of Fools.
-Tape recording of the early show includes a live recording of Love Her Madly.
-Tape recording of the late show includes the standalone track Palace In The Canyon.
-No encore is given during the late show.
-This is The Doors 2nd and final appearance in Dallas with Jim Morrison.
-The Doors will perform one final concert with Jim Morrison the following night in New Orleans.
"This was my 4th time to see The Doors in 3 years. They had radically changed since my 1st time to see them, in September of '67 at Will Rogers in Ft. Worth. Now they were tired, and their reputation preceded them. They seemed to be just going through the motions, though the music was still vibrant and interesting. The 2 shows The Doors played on this December 11th evening were the last 2 complete shows The Doors ever played. After the Dallas shows they proceeded to New Orleans. Ray Manzarek told me that they played about 5 songs and then Morrison spaced out and quit singing. He wandered around the stage, mostly talking. The band started and stopped, started and stopped. Trying to prompt him into singing. He actually tried to start singing again, but it just didn't come. Then Manzarek said that all at once HE SAID HE SAW the energy just leave Morrison's body, that you could just see it go. And with it also went The Doors.....The Doors were over at that moment. He walked off the stage and they never played live again. (Also don't miss the white Doors ticket from 1968, where Moving Sidewalk opened for them.)
Mike Hicks
Houston, TX
Copyright © 2020 Mike Hicks
A Special Thanks to Mike Hicks for providing his review of the concert, and his ticket stub to MildEquator.com!

"My girlfriend (now my wife of 47 years) and I attended the early show at State Fair Music Hall in Dallas. We were students at North Texas State Univ. in Denton, Tx (now The University of North Texas). We drove in from Denton early to meet up with other family and friends who were going to the show. There was a huge crowd milling about outside the Music Hall. We found out at that time that the concert was sold out and a second show was going to take place. People were lined up to buy tickets for the late show and trying to find tickets for the early show. I felt a little ripped off about the second show. It was like they cutting the first (original) show short in order to put on a second show.
The State Fair Music Hall was built in 1936 for the Texas Centennial Celebration. It was a fabulous Art Deco structure. It was very intimate on the inside, with opera boxes hanging over the sides of the stage. We sat in the lower balcony about three rows from the edge. When I saw the photograph of the show of the band from the stage looking towards the audience I remembered the spotlight was kind of annoying as it blasted by our heads and shone down on the singer Jim Morrison. I can't recall the band who opened the show. The lighting was dark and mysterious in the Music Hall, and the whole stage was red. Morrison wore what appeared to be a dark blue velvet jacket with gold embroidered pockets on the front tails. Too cool! He was a little heavier than he was in the Dallas 1968 concert (which I also attended) and he had a great beard. His voice sounded a little rough but that didn't bother me. What an experience! It seems like the show lasted a little over an hour and ended with an encore Light My Fire.
I really wanted to go to the late show but my girlfriend was not a big Doors fan so we left. As we worked our way through the crowd in the lobby and outside the theater we had no idea that we had just seen one of the Doors last performances with Jim Morrison. I guess the late show that night was pretty good too and then there was New Orleans the next night (where Jim left the stage early) and The Music Was Over.
Gerald Lemke
Fort Worth, TX
Copyright © 2019 Gerald Lemke
A Special Thanks to Gerald Lemke for providing his review of the concert, and his ticket stubs to MildEquator.com! Be sure to check out Gerald's review and tickets from the Dallas Memorial Auditorium performance in 1968!

"I found out that The Doors were going to be in Dallas by chance. I mentioned to a friend that the only concert I ever felt like I missed was The Doors. He had just been to a Moody Blues concert in Dallas and told me that The Doors were going to be there soon. A couple of days later, I made a slurry of calls to Dallas and was finally hooked to the Fairpark Music Hall, where I was told that the concert was that night, and that there were still front section seats for the 10:30pm performance. I told them I'd be there, and made a reservation.
The night before, a norther had unexpectedly chilled that day's warm air. I met it with two coats and my yellow Maverick, and left Austin after dinner at 6:30pm, If I had found out about it earlier, I would have taken somebody with me, but it was too late for that now. I sped north, and questioned my ability to stay awake on the road until 5:00am or so the next morning. I drove on through Georgetown, Temple, Waco, plowing the slithery asphalt with my headlights. Darkness hides reality, you know. The car then moves protoplasm through a void. Hillsboro, Waxahachie - I will wake up the next morning and nothing will have happened.
I entered Dallas at 9:45pm and headed toward the Fairgrounds. I found a near vacant parking lot alongside a radio station building, and left the car. I weaved through parked cars and around to the front of the building. There were a lot of people waiting to get in. I entered a line for paid reservations and received a ticket saying "row C". I wandered about in the crowd a bit. The police pushed us back from the doors to let the first show out. 45 minutes late, we were let in.
Hoping the police wouldn't say anything to me about the contents of my knapsack (a tape recorder), I moved straight down to the third row, got comfortable, and looked around. I was seated in a large auditorium with cushioned seats, operatic balconies and an orchestral pit. People were shuffling about below in the orchestral pit. One, who could have passed for Densmore, was talking to a gal in the front row. Occasionally, a well-proportioned blonde, with a neckline slivered to low sternum, shuffled up and down the aisle. A gal in an opera balcony smiled and puffed on a cigarette. A couple of Frisbees were circulating. The lights flickered and went out.
The opening band, the Courtship (I think), was introduced. They were good, professional, and did some Motownish sounding numbers with a heavy band sound, reminiscent of Vanilla Fudge. After a short performance (half an hour perhaps), they left. The audience wanted the Doors and were asked to wait 10 minutes. Frisbees resumed flight, and the well-proportioned blonde made another trip to the front row to talk to a gal who was talking to the guy who looked like Densmore.
The curtain parted on five silhouettes. One announced "The Doors" and left, and four figures were revealed. On the left was Manzarek, wearing blue jeans and a black, pajama-like top. Elevated on a stand in back was Densmore, poised and ready. Krieger, with a peculiar smile, was wearing yellow, palm-tree patterned bell-bottoms, and looked like a tourist in Palm Springs. With his back to the audience was Morrison, in black cotton pants and a pink shirt. With a maraca tucked into his pants, he turned to the audience to find the mic.
Krieger ripped off the bass line for Roadhouse Blues, and the others waited and entered. They then headed toward unrecorded numbers and did "Crawling King Snake". Morrison snarled for requests, and promptly heard half of their recorded songs barked back at them. "Yeah, yeah, I know but that comes later on in the show." "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, one at a time." "Thank you very much. Very kind of you." They broke into "Ship of Fools". Morrison did his part, sat beneath the drums, waited, traced the wire back to the mic, finished the song, and began anew.
There's a palace in the canyon
Where you and I were born
Now I'm a lonely man
Take me back into the garden
In the shadows of the canyon
I met you and now you're gone
And now my dream is gone
Let me back into the garden
Picking up a tambourine, Morrison shook its circumference over the mic. "L.A woman, she's all mine, L.A. woman, don't let me catch you with mine." The song ended and Ray immediately led into "When The Music's Over." Morrison sometimes whistles the scream of the butterfly, you know. They then went into "Riders on the Storm" and ended with an improvised version of "The End", which they finished with a frenzied, ear-ripping climax, and Morrison, Krieger, and Manzarek fell to the floor. They then arose and departed. The auditorium lights were turned on. The audience rose to its feet in applause. It was late. No encore. We left into the cool, clear night, and I started the trek back to Austin."
Jim Bayliss
Austin, TX
Copyright © 2016 Jim Bayliss
A Very pecial Thanks to Jim Bayliss for providing his tape and review of the concert to MildEquator.com!
Ship Of Fools (Cut)
Palace In The Canyon >
L.A. Woman (Cut)
Riders On The Storm (Cut)
The End (Cut)
"Squeeze My Lemon"
-I'd Be Your Penman (Poetry)
-Mystery Train
-Away In India

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: Dallas Morning NewsAuthor: Philip Wuntch
Publish Date: December 14th - 1970
Copyright © Dallas Morning News

Contributed By: jim4371
Newspaper: Fort Worth Star-TelegramAuthor: Gerry Barker
Publish Date: December 15th - 1970
Copyright © Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: Dallas NotesAuthor: Pat Pope
Publish Date: December 23rd 1970 - January 12th 1970
Copyright © Dallas News

Newspaper: Fort Worth Star-TelegramAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 10th - 1970 (Morning)
Copyright © Fort Worth Star Telegram

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: Fort Worth Star-TelegramAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 10th - 1970 (Evening)
Copyright © Fort Worth Star Telegram

Contributed By: MildEquator.com
Newspaper: The SkiffAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1970
Copyright © The Skiff

Contributed By: ElBupperto
Newspaper: Dallas Morning NewsAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: December 11th - 1970
Copyright © Dallas Morning News

Contributed By: jim4371

Contributed By: MildEquator.com

Contributed By: jim4371

Contributed By: MildEquator.com

Contributed By: BallroomDays67

Contributed By: Heritage Auctions - www.HA.com