Venue Address: 19201 Collins Ave. - Sunny Isles Beach, FL
Promotion: The Hump
Canned Heat
Back Door Man*
Rock Me*
I'm A Man*
* Jim Morrison appears on-stage with Canned Heat
Recordings / Film:
Mario Castellanos (Miami Herald)
Sam Feinsilver (The Times Now)
Reviews / Info:
-Jim Morrison attends a performance by Canned Heat following a concert by Creedence Clearwater Revival.
-Jim Morrison is in Miami to stand trial.
-The Grand Opening of this venue takes place on the July 4th, 1970 weekend, and features a camel motif.
-The Hump Room is located inside the Marco Polo Hotel with seating for 500.
-This is Canned Heat's opening night at this venue.
-Approx. 200 are in attendance for Canned Heat.
-Not scheduled to perform, Jim Morrison is called to the stage by Canned Heat's Bob Hite to join in.
-Jim Morrison and Canned Heat perform blues songs.
-Journalists and photographers from the press are in attendance.
-Canned Heat performs at this venue nightly until August 20th.
-Alan Wilson of Canned Heat passes away on September 3rd.
-The Hump closes in March 1971.
"In 1970 I went to the CCR concert at the Miami Beach Convention Center with my date and another couple. After the concert the four of us went to the Marco Polo Hotel for after concert drinks. We were late so we could not get up close and were seated at a table near the back of the room. The room probably only held 200 people, if that so any table was pretty close to the stage. Canned Heat was playing that night. This club, off the lobby was called 'The Hump'.
During the performance, Bob Hite of Canned Heat introduced Jim Morrison to the audience. Jim stood up. We were just a few tables away. I wanted to go over and introduce myself to him and tell him I was a big fan. I didn't. I did; however, notice that a short while later Jim got up and walked to the lobby. His table was in the back of the room, as was ours, so it wasn't real obvious that he was walking out. My buddy, Barry, gave me one of those, now's your chance, pep talks, so I got up and followed Jim into the lobby. I could see that he was headed for the restroom across the lobby,and what the hell, I'm a guy, how would he know that I didn't have to go too.
I caught up with him in the lobby, tried to make it like it was a coincidence - "aren't you Jim Morrision?" I said, "I'm a huge fan" and then I shut up and let him do the talking. I was surprised how approachable he was and how even though he didn't know me, I felt as if I knew him. He told me he was in town for the trial and asked me to go because he wanted as much fan support there as possible. He chatted about Canned Heat, Florida weather, the upcoming trial, etc. As we bonded making our way towards the men's room I stepped up to the urinal and pretended to pee while we continued chatting. He seemed totally lucid and coherent. As we walked through the lobby back to "The Hump" I was surprised that there were no other fans around. No one, just the two of us. Before we walked back into the lounge he told me to "stick around." What the hell could that have meant I wondered as we walked back into the club together. I only wish someone had snapped a photo of me and Jim. I made sure I shook his hand, before we went back to our respective tables. About a half hour later, Bob once again introduced Jim and asked the fans if we would like to hear him play. He played a few songs, I recall he opened with 'Back Door Man' and closed with 'I'm a Man.' I've probably told this story far too many times, but that evening made quite an impact on me. We all miss him."
Jim Pearson
Boca Raton, FL
Copyright © 2010 Jim Pearson
A Special Thanks to Jim Pearson for providing his review of the performance to MildEquator.com!

Contributed By: RFritts
Newspaper: The Miami HeraldAuthor: John Huddy
Publish Date: August 18th - 1970
Copyright © The Miami Herald

Contributed By: MildEquator.com

Contributed By: RFritts

Contributed By: MildEquator.com

Contributed By: MildEquator.com

Contributed By: MildEquator.com