NET (predecessor to PBS) Critique's color broadcast performance titled "A Profile of Jim Morrison and The Doors - On And Off Stage" was filmed on April 28th, 1969 with the interview of the band filmed on April 29th. A panel discussion is later filmed on May 23rd. This episode is originally broadcast at 9:00pm on WNDT-TV Channel 13 in New York on June 25th, and re-broadcast on June 29th at 7:00pm, however other broadcasts in the U.S. are known to have taken place on these dates. Critique is reported to have been a 26-episode series produced by Stephen Rabin, Directed by Jack Ofield, and made from the National Endowment for the Humanities, along with the Old Dominion Foundation and The Louis Calder Foundation.
Hosted by Richard Goldstein with an introduction by film critic Stanley Kauffmann, this program includes the only known complete and professionally recorded live performance of The Soft Parade. Other notable tracks include Tell All The People, Wishful Sinful, and Build Me A Woman. At the time of this production, Build Me A Woman is titled Blues, Blues. Frank Lisciandro, who is in the studio photographing the event, recalls in his book An Hour For Magic that Light
My Fire was performed, however Frank has since indicated that it wasn't definitively known that Light My Fire was played at the time of publication. Also featured midway through the program is a ten minute interview with the band by Richard Goldstein, followed by a panel discussion featuring the host, journalists Patricia Kennealy, Alfred G. Aronowitz, and radio personality William 'Rosko' Mercer of WNEW-FM.
Reflecting on the panel discussion in August 1969, Richard Goldstein tells the press, "They had all these beautiful wires and lights. I said, 'Let's have all this stuff showing.' They were shocked and said, 'That's what we avoid having them see!' So we ended up with Marcel Breuer chairs."
It is unknown whether or not any original broadcast reels or copies exist of this performance. Generated VHS tape copies have been released officially. An audiotape recording made by a viewer from an original TV broadcast is known to collectors, and includes the unreleased introductory segments.
Tell All The People > Alabama Song > Backdoor Man > Wishful Sinful > Blues, Blues (Build Me A Woman) > Interview > The Soft Parade
Frank Lisciandro
06/25/1969 - WNDT 9:00pm (Channel 13) - New York, NY
06/26/1969 - WCBB 9:00pm (Channel 10) - Portland, ME
06/29/1969 - WNDT 7:00pm (Channel 13) - New York, NY
07/10/1969 - WEDH - Hartford, CT
07/19/1969 - KCET - Los Angeles, CA
08/24/1969 - KQED - San Francisco, CA
09/07/1969 - KDIN - Des Moines, IO
11/01/1969 - KVIE - Sacramento, CA
01/25/1970 - KCET - Los Angeles, CA
03/10/1970 - WNET (Channel 13) - New York, NY

The Doors Are Interviewed On Critique © Frank Lisciandro

Newspaper: (Various)Author: Carol Botwin
Publish Date: August - 1969
Copyright © Carol Botwin

Contributed By:
Newspaper: Los Angeles TimesAuthor: Joyce Haber
Publish Date: April 21st - 1969
Copyright © Los Angeles Times

Contributed By:
Newspaper: The RecordAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: June 19th - 1969
Copyright © The Record

Contributed By:
Newspaper: The Hartford CourantAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: July 10th - 1969
Copyright © The Hartford Courant

Contributed By:
Newspaper: The Modesto BeeAuthor: Unknown
Publish Date: October 26th - 1969
Copyright © The Modesto Bee

Contributed By: