Venue Address: 845 W. Colorado Blvd - Monrovia, CA
Promotion: Arcadia High School Student Body
Event: The Happening
Also Performing:
The Peanut Butter Conspiracy
The Merry-Go-Round
The Others
Break On Through
When The Music's Over
Light My Fire
Recordings / Film:
Reviews / Info:
-This show takes place in the Monrovia High School Auditorium.
-8:00pm-10:30pm show time.
-The Doors perform a three song set only.
"I was in the 8th grade and it was the first rock show I had ever seen. My clearest memory from the concert was how weenie the opening bands seemed once The Doors arrived on stage - there was a tangible aura of magic even before they started playing. I sensed that these guys were from a different place, as if I was suddenly exposed to a strange but thrilling new reality. No bass player! Jim Morrison's stage presence! The deep power of opening notes of Break On Through! These guys were serious... and great.
There's a story about that show that I just recently learned from friends of Arcadia High's Leanne Meyers who promoted the concert. The Doors first album hadn't come out yet - Light My Fire was on the radio but the band was still relatively unknown and Leanne has since claimed that she's the only promoter who ever lost money on The Doors.
They performed 3 songs - Break On Through, When The Music's Over, and Light My Fire.
I've been lucky to have seen a ton of remarkable concerts throughout my life but I can honestly say that seeing The Doors at the tender age of 15 has proven to be the most most memorable......except......seeing the Rolling Stones at the L.A. Forum in 1969 with BB King and Ike and Tina Turner opening. Two extraordinary shows I'll remember and cherish as long as I'm conscious."
Mike Ward
Tucson, AZ
Copyright © 2018 Mike Ward
A Special Thanks to Mike Ward for contributing his review & ticket stub for the concert to!

Contributed By: MWard

Contributed By: gesauce

Contributed By: jim4371